As a traditional family business, we have stood for sustainable production and innovative finishing of lambskins and leathers since 1954. Our values are built on four pillars that we live by in every aspect of our work. 

The foundation of the first-class products we manufacture are to be found in the added value we create in quality at each stage of the process. This is how we can guarantee the unwavering excellence of our products.

Craftsmanship and Passion

Our products are the culmination of practicing an old handicraft. WERNER CHRIST combines loving attention to detail and the passion for the craft with today’s expertise.

Heritage and Tradition

The defining values of the company have been lived and passed on in the family-owned business from the very beginning. Our enthusiasm for the natural product lambskin has been a driving force in our positive development for over 60 years now and it will continue to make a major contribution to our success.

The responsible manufacturing of clothing crafted from the finest leathers and lambskins has been of paramount importance to Werner Christ ever since he founded his firm in 1954. From the very beginning the company’s mission statement has thus embraced sustainability – in every respect.


Environmental conservation and prioritizing the use of regenerative resources are an integral part of our everyday lives. In fact, the entire production process at WERNER CHRIST is on our own premises. Not only does the company’s own wastewater treatment plant comply with the stringent German regulations, but the eucalyptus forest we have planted and an efficient incinerator have also enabled us to achieve a net zero carbon footprint in the tanning process – a distinction for which we were awarded.

Social Responsibility

Our aim has always been to make sure our employees feel happy and motivated, which is why we have proactively created the type of working conditions which allow room for development and promote a community spirit. The workforce at all production sites are paid fairly and they enjoy scoial and health insurance benefits. 

Fashion mirrors the current tastes and it is these tastes which we thoughtfully blend into our collections. Our products appeal to liberal, outward-looking and the sophisticated customers.


By developing innovative processes, our specialists are able to match the properties of the materials to our customers’ needs. The touch and feel, functionality and look of the leather and lambskins are optimised to satisfy these requirements.


Trans-age and trans-seasonal: our products are designed to reflect the spirit of the times, the zeitgeist. They convey a modern lifestyle, irrespective of age or season. The focus is on functionality and variability.

Attending to customers’ wishes gives real pleasure and satisfaction. And WERNER CHRIST is well known for being dependable, delivering quality, providing service and its open-door policy production.